Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beginning of the year STUFF

Alright, so now that I'm finally all moved in to my new place, I can FINALLY start thinking about school. Even though I'd much rather just sit around my new place and spend all my money (which I've nearly already done) decorating the place and getting more things I'm realizing I DON'T have-- I've been working on school stuff.

Here's what I learned last year [well, I learned a ton last year, but here's a smidgen of what I learned, okay?]:

You want to give the parents as much info as possible! Give them something to refer to! This will create less communication gaps and excuses. They can't pretend they didn't know anything because, well, you sent home a TON of information. Also, it will help YOU get more organized.

Think of EVERYTHING you want parents to know about how the school year is going to run. Even if you think it's mundane or common-sense, put it in writing anyway. I have been SO surprised by how little some parents know about school!

I will be giving y'all a link to MY beginning of the year packet that I will be making TONS of copies of to pass out at the beginning of the year and to keep some for later (you never know if parents might lose theirs, you may get new students [oh yeah! new student packets! Save that thought for a later post! MENTAL NOTE!], who knows!).

Obviously, you will not want to pass out packets with incorrect information on it, so be sure to really read through it and change it for what applies to you!

No, I cannot send it to you in Microsoft Word form... clip art copyright infringements would not be good. If you need to change things, re-type it, or before you copy (I do this all the time) either white out words you need to change and write over it, OR type it out and tape it over the incorrect parts. Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom!

Here goes! It will all be in a crazy order, but you can put it together in a way that makes sense to you! I'm just going in the order the files are on my desktop!

This is my "Important Information" pages. Just random information about our daily schedule, behavior plan, supplies, etc.

Get it HERE.

This is the cover for my welcome/information packet!

Get it HERE.

This is my "Meet Ms. Temple" page. It's nice to let the families get to know you since you will be knowing so much about their children (and them).

Get it HERE.

This is my information packet for Meet the Teacher night.

Get it HERE.


Alright, so here's how I set up my general information packet I'll send home the first day of school.

1. Welcome to Ms. Temple's class cover page
2. Meet Miss Temple get-to-know-me page
3. Simple page with my three class rules: Follow the teacher's directions, Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself, Be nice to everyone
4. An expectations page
5. My "Important Information" pages
6. Our district's school calendar for the year
7. Our school's quick facts page
8. My "Helping Hands" Volunteer page (LINK TO it in my TPT store)
9. Information on how to be an approved volunteer in our district
10. An informational sheet about transportation
11. Change of transportation sheet

In addition, I will send home a packet that needs to be returned.

It starts with a cover page saying "Return these papers to Ms. Temple as soon as possible so she can get to know her new students!"

Then, it has my Student Information sheet.

Get it HERE.

And a questionnaire of things I want to know about their child.

WHEW! I'm exhausted! I hope y'all find this helpful!

Let me know what you think!

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