Monday, September 3, 2012

First Day With Photos!

Here are some of the things we did on the first day of school!

I took these pictures with my phone, and the uploader didn't do them in order, so it's all out of sorts... my day was NOT that crazy!

This is the end coloring page of our "Pete the Cat Rockin in My School Shoes" school tour. I found it on TpT... I'm trying to find a link to it, but I'm having trouble finding it again... It was PRECIOUS!

This is the finished product (see beginning product at the END of the post... darn uploader mixing it all up!) of our "Kissing Hand" project! Last year, all the kids LOVED this book and thought it was so sweet, this year, the majority thought it was gross and went like this "eeeeeeewwwwww!". Whatever.

Here's a funny little story, though. So, this one boy in my class either really liked or didn't like me painting his hand. With each stroke of the paintbrush on his hand, he said "whoa". So it sounded like this "whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa". It was cracking me up because he was very serious - he wasn't doing it to be funny. He did the same thing as I was wiping off his hand with a baby wipe...."whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa".

Ahhhh, kids! They are so hilarious!

This is the "First Day of Kindergarten certificate" from my TpT store that we colored at the end of the day.

This is my "First Day of Kindergarten book" from my TpT store!

These are the "Welcome to Kindergarten" coloring pages I found online somewhere... CUTE! They did this and played with math manipulatives first thing when they got there in the morning.

I found this crayon coloring worksheet online somewhere. This was VERY interesting. I only have 10 crayons in the tub on each table, so they all had to share. My thinking behind doing this activity on the first day of school (which was a little bold) was that I could see who could a) follow directions b) share c) know their colors d) copy what I was doing on the board. I feel like I learned a lot by doing this one activity. I could see who didn't really know their numbers and who couldn't look at what I was doing and copy the same thing. I could tell who wasn't so great at sharing... I could tell who was doing it on their own without me.

I think I will do this sheet a few times throughout the year... another time within the next couple weeks to assess sharing and copying, and in December to see if they can do it on their own.

We decided to assess how we write our names on the first day of school. Some could already write their name, many could not... the ones who couldn't WOULDN'T even try, so I had to "help" them by holding onto their hand and basically writing it myself... you'll notice many of the names appear to be in the same handwriting... it's mine. :)

And this is how the "Kissing Hand" project looked prior to handprints and hearts.

I'll add more later... time to get ready for tomorrow!

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